I acknowledge I am and will be participating in Yoga Classes, Health Programs, or Workshops as offered by Yoga Revive LLC, during which I will receive information and instruction about yoga and health. These classes entail intense physical activity, many of them conducted in a heated room (check schedule for hot and warm classes) which is approximately 105 degrees F and 40% humidity, and exertion by me. I recognize that such physical activity and exertion may be difficult and strenuous and may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. I am fully aware of and accept the risks and hazards involved by participating.
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participating inane yoga classes including hot yoga, non heated yoga, health programs, or workshops and to receive prior approval to participate. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit, and I have no medical conditions, or injury that would prevent my full participation in yoga, hot yoga, non heated yoga, health classes or workshops.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the yoga, hot yoga, non heated yoga, health classes and workshops, I agree to fully assume all responsibility for any risks, conditions, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur or aggravate as a result of my participating in same.
In further consideration of being permitted participate in the yoga, hot yoga, non heated yoga, health classes and workshops, collectively known as "The Programs". I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly waive any claim I may have or acquire against Yoga Revive LLC, or the landlord or any premises at which they may operate, for any injury, condition, or damages that I may sustain as a result of entering or being on the premises or participating in The Programs, I agree that Yoga Revive LLC is in no way responsible for the safe keeping of my belongings.
I, my heirs, or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Yoga Revive LLC, or the landlord of any premises at which they may operate, for any injury, condition, or death which arises, is caused by, or is aggravated by the reason of my participation.
I understand that it is my continuing responsibility to inform the instructor(s) at Yoga Revive LLC of any previous medical conditions, injuries, or surgeries prior to my first class and at other times as I acquire information as to the same.
Tuition and payments paid herewith and such registration fees paid hereafter are non-refundable, such if any refunds made shall be entirely within the discretion of Yoga Revive LLC.
I also understand that except for a potential monetary refund, I have no claim against Yoga Revive LLC, or the landlord of the premises by reason of their refusal to allow me to participate in the programs.
If you do not show up for a class you have enrolled for you may be charged for your spot. Please cancel all reservations for classes you will not be attending to ensure you are not charged for that class.
For ALL HOT BARRE classes: If you decide to cancel your reservation, you must cancel no later than 8 hours before the start time. If you cancel past the 8 hour mark, it is considered a LATE CANCEL and you forfeit a class on your current class package. If you do not cancel and simply do not show for your reserved class, you will be charged a $20 no show fee in addition to forfeiting the class.
If you are on an unlimited package, and you cancel past the 8 hour mark, you will be charged the $20 late fee whether you no show or cancel.
If you would like to cancel or modify a reservation or appointment, click "Cancel".
"Late Cancel" appears when the online cancellation period has expired.
I submit to a touchless thermometer reading prior to my entry to the studio.If I have a fever I understand I will be denied entry. I will maintain my distance around fellow students and staff. I will wear a face shield unless I am in the hot room and sitting on my mat or practicing. I will bring any and all equipment needed from home (ie. towel, mat, clothing). I do not hold Yoga Revive, its staff, or officers accountable for my personal protection and I know I enter the premises at MY OWN RISK, even though I expect all State and Federal guidelines to be met.
I authorize my likeness or image to be displayed in or on any or all video recordings, either in studio, online, or in the park(ing) lot.